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2 min read
Yoga - Cementing the Mind-Body Connection
When it comes to my clients, a chief concern of theirs is losing joint mobility and spinal stabilization. As we get older, we lose about...
1 min read
BCAAS Expectation vs Reality
A big topic of conversation within the fitness landscape is Pre-workout (PWO) vs. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAS). Unlike PWOs, BCAAs...
2 min read
5 holistic ways to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
As the colder days of January/February descend among us, it's natural for most of us to find ourselves in a funk. Our mood sowers,...
1 min read
10 facts about low back pain
There's a lot of noise circulating about low back pain and how/where it originates. This can usually translate to a lot of...
1 min read
Active vs. Passive Treatments for treatment
In the world of rehab, there are two forms of treatment: active and passive. Passive treatment includes things done TO you (e.g. joint...
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