It may sound indulgent, but taking five minutes for yourself each day can be valuable. You may be thinking, "But I'm already with myself all day...why would I need to establish more routines in my day?" Our days are full of tasks, errands, and obligations. However, by structuring a habit into your life, you actually create MORE time for yourself as it can increase your focus and help your overall alignment. This may ultimately impact your decision making and sense of grounding. By creating habits aligned with our values and interests, we're choosing to live more within our purpose, directing your energy towards your passions..
Let's try to reframe our relationship with time. Even the busiest of us has five extra minutes to spare when we're not tending to our obligations. Identify a time of day where you can devote these minutes. Sometimes, this may be suited for the morning as our minds tend to be the most receptive, open, and creative. With a short practice early in the morning, you're setting a positive tone to drive your day. Whatever time you do decide to designate, be sure to structure this as your regular practice. Even if that day you may only have three minutes as opposed to five minutes, approach this process with openness and flexibility as an opportunity to refuel, replenish, and rejuvenate. Some ideas for this ritual can include: playing a musical instrument, meditative practice, taking a walk outside, a gratitude journal, singing or listening to uplifting music, exercising, reading your favorite book, setting an intention/writing a to-do list, or anything that allows you to refocus and refuel.
