In my earlier post, I delved into the common conundrum of whether or not to eat during exercise. Another part of the equation to getting healthy is nutrition. When it comes to the common cold, there are certain foods you can choose that may help alleviate certain symptoms. After all, food is information and can impact the way our body recovers on a cellular level.
First, there is sugar. Now, I'm NOT a fan of processed sugar and/or sugar in copious amounts. However, certain TYPES of sugar (e.g. honey), also known as demulcents, can coat and soothe the irritated mucus membranes. Sometimes, a spoonful of honey may be the ticket to a faster recovery!
Second, lemon may provide a spot of relief as well. A squirt of lemon can trigger saliva production which also temporarily soothes the throat. Lemons are also high in Vitamin C, potassium, and folate levels, which are all essential for the immune system to fend of invaders.
Lastly, peppers and horseradish. Both of these foods contain mustard oils that irritate the membranes lining your nose and mouth (thereby making your mouth water). As a result, it's easier to blow your nose or cough up mucus.
I've included a graphic that illustrates a lot of the foods that produce mucus. Unsurprisingly, dairy products are at the top of that list as well as omega6 fatty acids. The next time you're coming down with something, I hope your recovery time is curtailed with some of these home remedies.
